Graphic Teasers are a great tool to showcase your book(s).
They allow for a visual representation that captures the readers' eye! We spend valuable time searching stock sites for unique images so your graphic teasers don't have the same image used and seen millions of times over and over again.
Enchantress Design & Promo specializes in branding and ensuring the graphic teasers not only match the brand of the book but that of your business with high quality visuals.
Below you will find some of our pre-made "Basic Graphic Teasers" that can be purchased. We can provide you with the image(s) or create the graphic teaser for you.
To order please email us and include the Graphic Teaser Number and if you wish to purchase solely the image or have us create a graphic teaser for you.
Pre-made "Basic Graphic Teasers" image background only
Want us to include your text on the image?
Pre-made "Basic Graphic Teasers" image background with text
Don't see what you need?
Email us and we'll be more than happy to create a custom graphic teaser!

Graphic Teaser - 03 Graphic Teaser - 04

Graphic Teaser - 07 Graphic Teaser - 08
Graphic Teaser - 09
The following graphic teasers are that of the same image with different colors/filters/layers, known as collections. The price is for ONE graphic within the collection. When emailing us, let us know which option you'd like.
Graphic Teasers - 10 thru 14
Graphic Teasers - 15 thru 17
Graphic Teasers - 18 thru 20
Graphic Teasers - 21 thru 22
Need a custom graphic teaser created?